Our residents receive the best possible care while they are with us, whether they are permanent or temporary residents. They receive daily grain meals with appropriate supplements and medications, access to hay 365/24/7, turnout, shelter, and water along with medical and farrier care. Monthly sponsors help to offset those costs, as well as help us make improvements to our facility.

Sponsors do not have to choose a specific horse to sponsor, however if you would like to sponsor a specific horse, visit our residents page to learn more about each resident and the cost to care for them. 100% of donations received goes directly towards the care of our residents.

We gladly accept donations in any amount -- every dollar helps. Recurring monthly donations are greatly appreciated and can easily be setup through PayPal. We also accept Venmo and check.

Thanks to you, we can continue to provide the best quality care for our horses. It is the the generosity of our supporters who allow us to continue to do what we’re doing. We cannot do this without you!