Our Story

Justin enjoying fresh pasture at HSE.

In 2015, we found a horse, abandoned and near death, in a nearby field. We brought him to our farm and with lots of love, round-the-clock care, and physical and financial assistance from friends, veterinarians and our community, he was able to make a full recovery. We named him Justin Thyme and through more investigation into his history learned that he had been a prize-winning racehorse.

His rescue initiated research into why there are so many horses without forever homes after successful careers in racing and performing. We quickly learned that there is a huge need for retirement and adoption homes for horses across the United States! Our experience and desire to do more has inspired Hope Springs Eternal Horse Sanctuary.

All daily care and administrative aspects of the sanctuary are completed by volunteers. All tax deductible donations go directly to the care and keeping of our residents.

Why a Sanctuary?

The United States is home to the world’s largest horse population—more than 10 million. More than 90,000 of these horses end up unwanted and often abandoned each year, over half due to financial hardship. While there are over 400 facilities in the U.S. for rescue, adoption, and retirement of unwanted horses, each facility can only house an estimated total of 18,060 horses per year.

Each year, about 20,000 horses are sent to slaughter in Canada or Mexico.

With adequate funding, HSE can offer sanctuary to more horses in need. On average, it costs $200-$500 a month to keep one horse. The cost of care depends on the health and age of the horse which determines the feed, medicine, supplies and vet care needed.

Our hope is that through your generous contributions, we can provide a loving comfortable home to more horses in need! Will you help us make a difference?